Acoustical Society of America Committee on Publication Policy



Charged with reviewing and suggesting changes in the policy, contents, and format of the Journal and other Society publications, but excluding the ASA books program and Standards, for consideration by the Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Council, and proposing new publications. The Committee on Publication Policy is composed of the Chair and members, and the Editor-in-Chief and President-Elect as ex-officio members. 

Participation in meetings of the Committee on Publication Policy is for members and invitees only. However, the Committee greatly appreciates hearing your suggestions and concerns related to ASA publications, and will endeavor to address these during our meetings. The continuing vitality of ASA publications depends on good ideas from all our members, and we are here to help give you a voice. Please click on “Suggest New Meeting Topics” above, or contact one of the committee members, if you wish to make any suggestions. Click on “Past Meeting Topics” to learn about what we have discussed at previous meetings.

Current Membership:

Vladimir E. Ostashev (Chair to 2024)

Siu-Kit Lau (Term to 2026)

Jian Yu Lu (Term to 2026)

Andi G. Petculesku (Term to 2026)

Jon A. Colosi (Term to 2025)

Michael B. Muhlestein (Term to 2025)

Michelle C. Vigeant (Term to 2025)

Zhaoyan Zhang (Term to 2025)

Megan S. Ballard (Term to 2024)

Cynthia G. Clopper (Term to 2024)

Roger M. Waxler (Term to 2024)

Ralf Muehleisen (Term to 2024)

Megan S. Ballard (Ex Officio, Editor, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics)

Charles C. Church (Ex Officio, Editor, JASA Express Letters)

James F. Lynch (Ex Officio, Editor-in-Chief)

Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (Ex Officio, President Elect)