This page summarizes the topics discussed at recent meetings of the Committee on Publication Policy.

Fall 2016 Meeting (Honolulu):

  • Proposed revisions to appeals and resubmission policies.
  • Page count estimates and related problems with avoidance of page charges.
  • AIPP presentation on open access (OA) and various publication models: Consensus is that OA substantially boosts article downloads, but impact on citations is a relatively small increase at best.
  • AIPP has been working on the migration to the new Scitation platform for the past 8 months. The new platform will go live in mid-December.
  • POMA publication charges for co-sponsored meetings.
Spring 2017 Meeting (Boston):

  • AIPP provided a presentation on their zero-cite analysis and marketing initiatives. (About 20% of JASA articles receive no citations. If these articles were removed, the JASA impact factor would be 1.916.)
  • Updates provided on POMA, JASA EL, and Acoustics Today.
  • Transition to the new Scitation platform.
  • Impact on JASA of emerging U.S. government policies on access to public research.
  • Creation of new PP web page.

Fall 2017 Meeting (New Orleans):

  • PP web page has been upgraded to include ASA member suggestions for meeting topics.
  • JASA performance metrics and public relations activities.
  • Self-plagiarism and manuscript similarity checker.
  • Conflicts of interest with AEs/reviewers.

Spring 2018 Meeting (Minneapolis):

  • Publication Policy Committee web page.
  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives.
  • AIP Media Services.
  • Impact factor calculation and normalization.

Fall 2018 Meeting (Victoria, Canada):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives.
  • Do we need JASA Letters to the Editor given that we have JASA Express Letters?
  • What is considered as a previous publication, which cannot be submitted to JASA?
  • Updating the ASA Ethical Principles page.
  • Withdrawn or not presented papers at ASA meetings were published in POMA.
  • Reconsidering the previous PP Committee recommendation: “The Committee recommended removing the current EL limitation of 15 references.”
  • Procedures when coauthors are added or dropped from a manuscript after the initial submission.

Spring 2019 Meeting (Louisville, KY):

  • Update on the new Ethical Principles of the ASA.
  • Withdrawn or not presented papers at ASA meetings should not be published in POMA.
  • What actions should be taken when plagiarism and text recycling are found in manuscripts?
  • Do we need two versions of a manuscript when submitting to JASA?

Fall 2019 Meeting (San Diego, CA):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications
  • New Ethical Principles of the ASA.
  • Recommendations of the subcommittee on the plagiarism and text recycling.

Spring 2020 Meeting (Virtual):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Plagiarism and text recycling (self-plagiarism) in books and books’ chapters.
  • Data availability policy for the ASA journals.

Fall 2020 Meeting (Virtual):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Web-Posting Guidelines for ASA Publications
  • Information on the JASA website about how scholars should proceed when they identify work that they find problematic in some way.

Spring 2021 Meeting (Virtual):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Data availability statements in the ASA publications
  • Letter from the Focused Ultrasound Foundation
  • JASA Impact Factor

Fall 2021 Meeting (Seattle, WA):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • AIPP recently instituted a name change policy for authors
  • Collections is a new feature of Acoustics Today
  • Recent poor editing of JASA papers

Spring 2022 Meeting (Denver, CO):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Other matters.

Fall 2022 Meeting (Nashville, TN):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Appeal policy for the ASA Publications.

  • Formal handbook/guideline for reviewers.

  • Policies regarding reviewers signing their reviews.

  • Manuscripts announcing a new database.

  • Allow authors to choose a figure to highlight on JASA website and social media.

Spring 2023 Meeting (Chicago, IL):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Other matters.

Fall 2023 Meeting (Sydney, Australia):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • ASA publications submission process.
  • New Ethics Approval Statement requirement for authors.

Spring 2024 Meeting (Ottawa, Canada):

  • Update on the ASA journals and AIP Publishing initiatives that are relevant to the ASA publications. 
  • Submissions of previously rejected papers where the Associate Editor hadn’t invited resubmission or where there has been a granted appeal by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Other matters.